Friday, October 5, 2012

Perfect Bliss

Two days and counting, haha.  I like this.  It's interesting what you come up with when you just sit down and write.  With little to no idea of what you're gonna put down.  I encourage trying it some time.

                He doesn’t seem to like that flavor of ice cream.  His girlfriend, Erin, had bought it and left it in his freezer.  Now Jeremy was craving something sweet and the ice cream was just sitting there.  Unfortunately, that look across his face is clearly one of distaste.  Oh well.  Erin likes it anyway.  He’ll just leave it in the freezer for her next time she comes over.  If she comes over again.
                They’ve been having trouble.  The arguments are frequent now.  Sure, most of the time it’s no big thing.  Most of the time it’s actually the same thing, over and over again.  The arguments come in different variations each time, but narrowing them down to their cores, it’s always just the same thing.
                I think Jeremy is pretty aware of the deteriorating state of their relationship.  He doesn’t bother himself with it now, though.  He just got off work and he’s exhausted.  Well, he’s late actually.  Probably worked late.  Too bad the ice cream is no good.  A glass of tea will probably do the trick.  Yep, there.  He’s poured himself a glass and settled down with a book.
                TV used to be a sort of vice for him.  Day in, day out, he would work, eat, watch TV, and sleep.  So he sold the TV.  Sold it for her.  Not Erin, but for Victoria.  I like Victoria, personally.  She’s a good friend.  She pays more attention to me than Erin does.  She likes me.  She slaps me on the back sometimes, kinda hard.  In a playful kinda way though, I can tell.  It’s in her voice.  She’s gentle though, too.  And she listens.  She worries about Jeremy.  That’s the thing.  And she’s not afraid to speak her mind.
                Victoria is one of those points of argument between Jeremy and Erin.  Erin gets jealous, and it’s understandable.  Jeremy is emotionally just as close to Victoria as he is to Erin.  But he’s not a two-timer.  Jeremy is a good, trustworthy guy.  Erin is a wonderful girl, and he knows that, and he loves her.  But I don’t think they’re going to last.  Not at this rate.  And when they finally break up, they will both hurt, but they will both end up happier for it.
                Besides, maybe Victoria will be around more after that.  Jeremy has been a little bit hostile towards her lately.  Because of the arguments, of course.  It’s not his fault.  Not entirely.  He’s confused and he doesn’t know what to do.  Someday it will be clear to him though.  I believe it.
                Jeremy just laughed at something in his book.  He’s got a funny laugh, like he tries to hold it back, but not too hard, since laughing feels good.  He laughs at me when I laugh.  He knows I’m laughing, but he thinks its funny cus it sounds a lot like when I’m grumpy.  Heh, its kinda funny thinking about it now myself.
                I walk up to him now.  He’s finished the book.  He was really closed to finishing it last night, but he just couldn’t keep his eyes open.  He kept nodding off in his chair.  It was cute.  I think he’s cute sometimes.  He wouldn’t like that, but it’s true.
                He looks at me.  “Hey bud,” he says.  He’s calm and collected, but I can see it on his face.  I can see what happened.  I guess it makes sense.   That’s why he was late coming home.  And he wouldn’t have eaten her ice cream otherwise.  He leaves her things be, normally.  “Hey, so Erin and I broke up.  We met after work.  It’s a good thing.  I’m sure of it,” he says.
                I look at him sympathetically.  He’s sad.  But he already realizes it, he’s also free.  I’m happy for him.  He pats me on the head.  “I’ve been mean to Vicky lately.  Think I should invite her over for dinner?”   I jump up into his lap, purring in response.  “Haha, yeah, I know you like her.  It’s decided then.  She’s a good friend and I need to make sure she knows that.”  Settling down, curling up into a ball, he pets me and I purr.  He’s happy and so I’m happy.  His lap is warm and he’s relaxed.  Victoria will come soon.   It’s a good moment.  Perfect Bliss.

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